Friday, September 21, 2007

SCTP (New Protocol within TCP/IP)


SCTP is a reliable transport protocol operating over IP. SCTP is more akin to TCP than UDP, however it yields additional features to TCP while still supporting much of the same functionality. So SCTP is connection oriented and implements the same congestion/flow control. Detection of data corruption, loss of data and duplication of data is achieved by using checksums and sequence numbers. A selective retransmission mechanism is applied to correct loss or corruption of data.

In the TCP/IP network model, SCTP resides in the transport layer, alongside TCP and UDP. The transport layer handles communication among programs in a network. This involves accepting data from the application layer, and repackaging it (perhaps fragmenting the data) so it may be passed on to the network layer. In addition the transport layer will also ensure the data arrives correctly on the other end. A transport protocol in essence is a set of rules that govern how data is sent between communicating nodes.

The network layer is used for; basic communication, addressing and routing, IP is usually used. The application layer consists of end-user applications and the link layer defines network hardware and device drivers.

Comparing SCTP to TCP

SCTP and TCP have some distinct differences, yet also many similarities. In this section we will explore their similarities and then discuss the major ways in which they differ.


Startup: to establish an association between two nodes, both protocols will exchange a series of messages. There are differences in the way these messages are exchanged and their format, but they hold the same purpose- to set up an end-to-end connection (association or connection).

Reliability and Ordering: both SCTP and TCP implement mechanisms to endure the successful delivery of user datagrams. This includes reliable and ordered data delivery.

Congestion Control: this is a critical element in any transport protocol. It regulates the flow of data entering the network, limiting it to accommodate for occurrences of congestion. SCTP and TCP hold the same congestion control mechanism- Additive Increase, Multiplicative Decrease (AIMD) congestion window management.

Closing Down: both protocols have two different close procedures, a graceful close and an abortive one. The graceful close will ensure that all user data in the queue will be delivered before the association is terminated. The abortive close occurs during errors.


There are two key differences between TCP and SCTP:

· Multihoming

· Multistreaming

These are new features in SCTP and are what really set the two protocols apart.

Multihoming: an essential property of SCTP is its support of multi-homed nodes, i.e. nodes which can be reached under several IP addresses. If we allow SCTP nodes to support more than one IP address, during network failure data can be rerouted to alternative destination IP addresses. This makes the nodes more tolerant against physical network failures and other problems of that kind.

Multistreaming: is an effective way to limit Head-of-Line Blocking. The benefit in having multiple independent data streams is if a packet is lost in one stream, while that stream blocks to wait for the retransmission the remaining unaffected streams can continue to send data. In TCP if a packet is lost, the connection effectively grinds to a halt while it waits for the retransmission to be sent.

An SCTP association is equivalent to a TCP connection, they both represent an end-to-end relationship between two transmitting nodes.

Multistreaming can be achieved in TCP, however it involves opening multiple TCP connections which each act as a stream to send data. This differs from multistreaming in SCTP where all the streams reside in a single association. Opening multiple TCP connections is TCP-unfriendly, which means that a pair of communicating nodes will obtain a larger proportion of the available channel bandwidth. Thus, SCTP is more TCP-friendly in this regard.

Although multihoming and multistreaming may be where SCTP and TCP differ most, the two protocols exhibit other differences, which are also important to discuss.

Security at Startup: SCTP and TCP both carry out an exchange of messages to establish an end-to-end relationship. The way these messages are sent however, are different. Traditional TCP uses a three-way handshake, whereas SCTP uses a four-way handshake. A signed state cookie is involved in the SCTP four-way handshake, which helps to protect from denial of service attacks.

A denial of service attack is where resources are tied up on the server side so that it is impossible to respond to legitimate connections. The attacker issues vast amounts of SYN requests (a message requesting set-up of a connection) to the server and when it receives the SYN, ACK it simply discards it, not bothering to respond with an ACK. This causes the server to retain the partial state that was allocated after the SYN request, and if carried out repetitively will lead to a denial of service.

SCTP protects against denial of service attacks with the use of a cookie. The cookie is bundled with the INIT-ACK from the server to the client. The server does not record the association or keep a transmission control block (TCB), rather it derives the TCB from the cookie, which is sent back from the client inside the COOKIE-ECHO. Since it has no knowledge of the association till the client responds with a COOKIE-ECHO, it becomes resilient to denial of service attacks.

There may at first appear to be an overhead to sending four messages, however user data can be bundled in the last two SCTP packets.

Data Delivery: Data transmission in TCP is byte-stream oriented; in SCTP, it is message-oriented. In TCP, data is transported as a consecutive stream of bytes between two endpoints, so user message boundaries are not preserved when they are on the wire between two end points. Parts of one message may be sent with parts of another message, in a single data packet. This means that some kind of message-delineation is required by the application, to inform the receiver, the message length and the amount to read. The receiving application will need to do some complex buffering and framing to reconstruct the messages.

SCTP, in contrast, makes an explicit demarcation of user message boundaries. Each message is delivered as a complete read, which lifts a lot of the work off the application layer. An exception to this is when the message is larger than the maximum packet size. Although, parts of two user messages will never be put into a single data packet.

Unordered Delivery: SCTP allows for data to be sent reliably but unordered. This has benefits when dealing with large amounts of independent transactions, e.g. components in a web page. TCP has no such facility.

SACKs: All acknowledgements in SCTP are with SACKs. They are useful as they indicate if there are any gaps in the transmission, i.e. missing blocks. TCP does not make explicit use of SACKs but can be configured to support them. However, TCP can only report four missing data packets in a SACK, SCTP allows for much larger amounts to be reported.

Closing Association: Despite the fact that both TCP and SCTP have graceful close mechanisms, there is a slight difference in what these mechanisms permit. TCP allows what is known as the “half-closed” state, where one endpoint stays open while the other endpoint closes. SCTP does not allow this, both endpoints must close when the shutdown primitive is issued. One reason for not putting the half-closed state in SCTP was the lack of use of it: very few applications require it.

1 comment:

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